2012年11月18日 星期日

Reading Blog – Nov. 19th

(sorry guys, I uploaded only the partial of my thought few hours ago. here's the full text)

A head & shoulder product is a combination of three things, the ingredients, bottle holds the ingredients, and the label on the bottle. Dan Rose believes that it is a bundled phenomenon as cultural-natural object. The object, which is the Head & Shoulder product in this reading, can be seen as agents because the power of the product is strong enough to changed or influenced our life and behavior.
Dan Rose especially focuses on Wittgenstein’s theory and concludes that large companies use ingredients, package, writing to guide the consumers to follow their ways of living. He argues that verbal language is very concrete and definite, and so are the written words. The purposes of language are sending information and convince others to believe the message. Head & Shoulder product is the example Dan Rose uses here to explain how marketing skill turned the ingredients, container, and written label into a single material that manipulates our society.

object as agent is this weeks theme. an object can be used as a material to change a persons life. the invention of vitamin and its commercial slogan makes most of us start taking pills every morning. taking my object the man;s top hat as an example. maybe there was a company created the trend of wearing hats everyday. different material or accessories of the hat define people's social class. finding out how an object or its bundle objects rules the everyday may be the crucial key of presenting the object in the exhibition.

